------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minutes - Long Term Archiving and Notary Services WG (ltans-wg) Meeting: Friday, JULY 30, 2010 1300-1400, 0.4 Brussels ========================================================================= http://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/ltans/charter/ CHAIR: Tobias Gondrom , Carl Wallace The LTANS WG met once during the 78th IETF in Maastricht. Agenda and presentation slides are uploaded and available with the Meeting Materials. (Thier content is not repeated here.) This was the last meeting of the LTANS WG. All planned work items have been achieved. Some minor related work items may be submitted as individual drafts (i.e. outside this WG) in the future. AGENDA: 1. WG Status and Direction 2. LTANS WG Specifications 2.1. XMLERS Status and topics (draft-ietf-ltans-xmlers-06) presentation of the latest changes to the draft from the WGLC in July have been presented and the following items were discussed: - the reference to the Merkle Hashtree should be informative (you can use the reference to the hash tree description in ERS as normative) - minor changes to the draft (making it more in sync with ERS) - Crypto identifiers are needed to specify used algorithms in XMLERS. The AD suggests to address this with IANA. - shortened WG LC possible as it's only minor changes and resulting from the WGLC in July - comment from Jim: The canonicalisation method should be on ATSC level as methods can change over time 2.2. ARI draft Status (draft-ietf-ltans-ari-01) Due to the fact that the draft is only informational, it will continue as a personal draft individually (and be shepherded by the AD Tim Polk) after xmlers is done. 2.3. validate draft status (draft-ietf-ltans-validate-03) The recommendations in this draft are intended as informational. Still, the content of the draft may draw controversial points of view. For this reason an individual submission (outside the WG) and wider LC are suggested by the AD and agreed. This will also be done after xmlers is finished. 2.4. LTAP status The draft draft-ietf-ltans-ltap will not be continued by the WG. The authors informed the chairs that they intend to conduct further research on the matter before continuing and may in the future submit the results to other standard bodies. 3. Closing of WG This was the final meeting of the LTANS WG and there were no objections raised to successfully closing the LTANS WG with all its work items successfulyl concluded. The WG will effectively finish after the last draft (draft-ietf-ltans-xmlers) has been submitted to IETF LC (scheduled for end of August). Finally the revised last set of milestones was agreed upon with the AD: Aug 2010 xmlers WGLC Sep 2010 xmlers IETF LC Nov 2010 shutdown of LTANS – the end