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Support us

By supporting the IETF today, you are ensuring a free and open Internet exists tomorrow.

Your support directly helps the IETF continue its work. It provides the means and tools for IETF participants around the world to convene and collaborate. It helps ensure a strong, financially stable IETF of the future, working truly independently and not reliant on any single funding source.

Read the IETF Case for Support (pdf) to learn how the work of the IETF is critical to the Internet's free and open ethos, enabling innovation and independence.

There are several ways to financially support the IETF to ensure its work remains open, accessible, and available to anyone around the world.

Meeting Sponsorship

Three times a year, the global IETF community of engineers, technologists, developers, and other experts gather in-person and online to learn from each other, to test emerging standards, and to advance new ideas. These meetings bring together more than 1,000 participants and require significant planning, preparation and support. IETF Meeting Sponsorships helps make these events more sustainable, and promotes diverse participation.

IETF Endowment

The IETF Endowment is a designated fund created to ensure the long-term sustainability of the IETF. Gifts made to the IETF Endowment will help IETF reach its goal of financial independence.

Thanks to a generous gift from the Internet Society, all gifts made to the Endowment through 2029 will be matched, allowing your donation to go further! 

Make a gift online to the IETF today.

Other Ways to Give

The work of the IETF and the IETF Administration LLC happens all year long. IETF participants collaborate on standards development remotely through mailing lists and online forums to ensure that progress continues between official gatherings. Members of the all-volunteer leadership meet regularly to monitor the progress of work underway and chart the course ahead. The costs of providing continuous connections among the IETF community are not insignificant. Contact the IETF Sponsorship Team today or view our other ways to give to make a general contribution to the IETF.

Ways to give

There are many ways to make a gift to the IETF

See all the ways to give